Tuesday, November 28, 2006

iweb, ftp, index.html, wah wah wah wah.......

Remember in the Charlie Brown cartoons when they were sitting in class. The teacher would speak and all they heard was wah wah wah wah wah wah.....

Well, I spent most of the evening trying to put together my company web site. Okay, a temporary one till I get a better one done. Since my lovely new macbook came with a mac program called iweb, I thought, how hard could it be?

Let me tell you......

I did get the pages together, minus the porfolio section, arguably the most important one. Once done, I went to my hosting website to try to follow the step for uploading. This is where the Charlie Brown school teacher comes in. It's not often I get into "not compatible with mac" issues, but this was just such a case. Two problems as far as I can tell. My hosting site has issues with Safari (the mac browser) and the FTP client doesn't work with macs unless third party software is installed. Hmmm...

This idea of mine has gone from what I thought would be a difficult, but do-able little project to something with way too many steps giving me way too much room for error. I'm sure I'd fuck it up.

In the words of the great soup nazi, "NO SOUP FOR YOU!"

Isn't it interesting how different we all are. This shit is such a foreign language to me. Yet, I'd happily tackle and intricate renovation project no problem.

You code wizards baffle me. How you can get through all that shit is beyond me. Truly.

I don't think I'll ever bother trying to do something like this again. Really, what's the point. I'm nearly always unsuccessful and what was learned? ZIP!


Om said...

Drives me crazy too.. I feel your pain! HAHA!

RyanMcFitz said...

I had the same problem. Ultimately, I found some open-source templates that I liked, saved them, then manipulated them in an open-source program called Nvu (en-vyoo). It's at www.nvu.com if you're interested.