Sunday, November 12, 2006

Curious but sad math

In the 911 attacks, 2997 people were either killed or are missing.

To date more than 2800 US troops have been killed fighting in Iraq.

It will be a sad day when those numbers balance each other. My math tells me this date should occur some time in February or March.

Also, it is estimated that 50,000 Iraqi civilians have lost their lives.

I feel for all who've lost family members in both situations, American and Iraqi.

Also, I wish there was an obvious solution to all this.

May peace be close at hand.

I hope the families of those troops who've lost their lives feel that their sons and daughters have made same noble and just sacrifice as those of the Great War and WWII. My thought is that that belief will make their grief as tolerable as possible.

On the weekend of remembrance around the world, my thoughts are with those who've given theirs lives for my freedom.

May all of us stop to consider how lucky we are this weekend.


e.e. said...

May peace indeed be at hand.
And may the Iraqi people see how wonderful Democracy can be, and how wonderful Americans can truly be too.

Om said...

That was hard to read.. Bush is an asshole!