Saturday, December 02, 2006

A little change

Though I don't keep this blog to win the blog traffic award, I have noticed less traffic in the last while. To remedy this, I've taken off the privacy feature.

Yes, it does concern me. Having just done extensive google searches to try to "find" myself, I know my new style of writing, in itself is fairly secure. I will however have to come up with a way of linking my business site to this page without using the company name. For now, that link will have to go away.


Om said...

good idea.. keep that link off

RyanMcFitz said...

Web Marketer's Maxim: Every click reduces your audience by 50%. Therefore three pages deep only gets one-eighth of your audience.

Google has a neat link-tracking feature to find who is linking to you on their webpages. Type "" and presto! This might be relevant if you link to your company site.