What an amazing extended weekend I’ve had with R in Chicago. I’ll do my best to go through the events of the weekend, but it may be difficult as I’m just numb with happiness.
To review, I found myself back there due to a intervention of sorts her coworkers gave her to get her to exercise caution with respect to getting involved with a foreigner she really didn’t know. They seriously didn’t want her to go to Canada before she knew me better. This caused her much discomfort as she wanted to make them and me happy. The solution was to have me do the next visit. Simple.
I arrived in Chicago at about eight o’clock on thursday evening after traveling most of the day from my home via Toronto. Upon reaching the terminal there was no sight of R. Knowing she was slightly behind schedule, I started to walk towards the L train hoping to head her off. This walk was not short as O’hare is a big place. Little did I know that there were two access points to Terminal 2 from the trains. What ended up happening was something we’ve all seen in movies a hundred times, her going one way, me going another. Missing each other completely, the first time. Once I reached the trains, I realized there were the two access points and figured out what had probably happened. Once back in the Terminal two and walking through the long and mostly empty expanse, I saw R, leaving a message to me on her phone, which was quickly hung up when eye contact was made. Now we really cut to a movie story line as I pick up my pace and she starts to run till we meet with me dropping my bag and us locking in a incredibly passionate embrace. It was magic.
We get to the trains and start to head to her place. On the train, there was much gushy conversation and catching up on various details, many of which are really not too exciting here.
Once at her place I got settled and joined her on the couch were much smooching ensued. This was followed by a moment of passion where I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom to fuck her. It was amazing.
The rest of the evening was spent eating pizza (some ordered, some which she had, more on that later) and making love. I think we did it three times that night.
At the end of the wonderful evening when we lay down to bed, I was feeling so much intensity towards her; perhaps more emotion than I’d ever felt for a woman. I know I haven’t known her long, but I really feel like I love this woman. I had to tell her this and I did. I’ll never forget that moment, because she said the same thing back to me, I truly felt exhilaration. We had a great sleep that night.
The next day, being Friday, I went into downtown with her on her way to work. My plan was to scope out the apple store for cool seminars to fill most of the day while she was at work. Also I had a chance to go up the 100 story Hancock building did at one point need to go to her office to get “checked” out. Hmmmmmm.... this was interesting.

This happened at around two, and I thought it’d be maybe an hour or so and I’d be able to get back to the apple store to take the other seminars I wanted to do. Well, let me tell you........ over two hours later I’m still there.
R met me at the ground floor of her building to help get through security. Once upstairs, the first stop was going into her actual office and meeting her direct “boss”. I was taken into his office, sat down and talked to for about 15 minutes. Not so bad really. This was followed by going through various other offices, meeting other coworkers and such. Very much sensory overload, but good. Good in the sense that I was glad to meet the people who’d been giving her a tough time. Not to give them “I told you so”’s, just to help them see that their concern wasn’t as needed as they may have thought. The final meeting was with her “other” boss, a man she refers to as a second father. Even though I had been warned about possible direct questions, I had no idea. It lasted nearly two hours and felt really corned much of the time. The icing on the cake was when he asked me “SO WHAT ARE YOUR INTENTIONS?” Jesus H. Christ! I just spoke honestly and directly. Never have I been in such an interview which cause me so much fear.
When it was over, R told me that she thought that everyone, including her “second father”, liked me. Also I subsiqently learned that this grilling was partially the work of R’s mother, who shared the same concern her co-workers did. Her mother is not in Chicago and was feeling much fear for her daughter, given her inability to meet the man she’s fallen for. Later R told me that the tone of her mother’s emails changed after the communication she recieved from “second father” giving more comfort about the situation. There were actually comments like “ Say Hi to J___ for me!” That’s a change!

On the way home, we got off the L train to stop at her favourite grocery store to pick up some stuff for dinner. I made seared chicken thighs w/ corn salsa, green beans, broccolini, and roast baby potatos. We had a lovely meal late that night and another romantic evening.
In the morning we went to the Lincoln Park area of Chicago to have brunch with two very good friends of hers at a neat place called Kich In. They’re a wonderful couple and we had a great time together.
Upon leaving brunch, we decided to walk back to her place instead of taking the train back so I could see more of her neighbourhood. This is the Lincoln Park and Ravenswood areas.
We walked hand in hand all afternoon checking out little shops, getting coffee and basically killing the day being in love! It was so wonderful.
Dinner was a light affair, mostly leftovers. But yummy leftovers!
At night we went to see a cool comedy show a half hour walk from her place which was a parody on the political climate in the US. Not a great show, but it was fun. During the night, I passed a cocktail napkin to her on which I wrote “I love R_____”. She was plenty happy and said she’d keep it forever.Throughout the night R and I also had fun taking some cool photographs, which I’ll post.

In the morning we grabbed breakfast at a great little greasy spoon around the corner from her place. I had what seemed like the best pancakes to ever hit my lips. Damn they were amazing. This breakfast also turned out to be an important one, as she and I discussed many couple related issues. We talked about our some of our phylosiphies on children and couple interactions. This is something I take very seriously as it will really help us with the difficult times when we’re appart (in that, it will contribute to solidifying our conviction about wanting to stay together).
The rest of the sunday day was spent doing more walking, taking pictures and shopping........... and just being a couple maddly in love.
Sunday evening was spent in relaxing and spending as much quality time as we could cosidering it was our last night together, or so we thought. Dinner was these killer pizza’s from a store called trader joe’s. I’ve NEVER eaten frozen pizza like this JESUS THEY WERE GOOD!! Dessert was frozen bon bons from the same place. MMMMMMMM, yummy, and kinda sexy.
I had to get up in the morning at four o’clock to head to O’Hare. Once there, I of course checked in, went through security under level “orange” conditions (which was interesting), got to the gate and boarded the plane. The plane pushed off and returned to the gate twice before they decided to cancel it due to a mechanical problem. Seeing as I was flying standby, I knew that my chances of getting back home within reasonable time was slim to none. And seeing as I didn’t really NEED to be back home, I called R to tell her I was able to stay another day, “if she wanted me to”. FUCK YEAH. As much as it sucks not getting out when you think you will, it was a blessing becasue we where able to spend another magical night together.
The next day, Monday, I went to town with her again take more seminars at the apple store. When I was done, I headed back to her place ahead of her (with her keys) so I could grab some groceries to have a dinner waiting for her when she got home. I stopped at a local Whole Foods to get the stuff, along with some flowers!!
I made pan seared sea scallops with a honey soy glaze, goats cheese mashed potatos, broccoli and corn. Very yummy.
The rest of the night we just cuddled, made love, and talked.
Bed wasn’t too late as I had to get up again at four.
Now I’m in Pearson airport in Toronto awaiting a connection flight back home.
I don’t know if I’ve ever had such a wonderful weekend; truly magic.
I was being very concious to try to pick up on anything which may be a point of complication between us. You know, how the tooth paste gets squezzed......I found nothing. I’m so in love with this woman, and the way I feel right now, I want to spend my life with her. Of course I know the future has not been written, but it’s how I feel today.
She is so wonderful and I don’t want to loose her. I know it’ll mean me leaving my home town, province and country.....my business, friends and family, but I’m willing take that risk for what could be a lifetime with such an amazing person.
Besides, Chicago has to be one of the coolest cities on earth!
OH MY! From the beginning with you missing each other to the extra day.. sounds like a movie! Holy crap! And the meeting with the "concerned" people// All sounds so surreal! Sensory overload for sure!! I am sure there is tons you can't possible pack into a blog post! This sounds as close as destiny.. soul mate.. all the cliches.. perfect.. crazy! And exciting as hell! Hope your last leg of your trip is smooth! Awesome Awesome Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Thanksgivng to you an R.. I know you guys have it on a different day.. but Happy American Thanksgiving!
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