Thursday, November 02, 2006


But before that, a short post...

I was suppose to be working on the kitchen this evening. Supposed to being the key words.

When i got back from Ikea (which I can walk to from my place), where I bought my new tap set, i noticed my sweetheart was online. I messaged her thinking it would be brief. An hour and a half or more later I'm saying good night to her.

I love the chats I have with R. She's so in tune with my wit and I with hers.

Today I sent her a poetic text message while on the side of the road in the pouring rain while listening to a wonderfully romantic song.

My text to her......

"my heart is singing with passion and the knowledge of impending love"

I feel like I'm a 16 year old boy falling for a girl for the first time.

1 comment:

Om said...

That is mushilicious! HAHA! Very sweet actually! Extremely revealling text message! Alot said in those few words and so nicely put!