Funny, in a way that in itself is a great reason for me dropping the last one. There was just too much connection to the real me. Also ironic is in the very same week I start the new one, I fall head over heals for a woman who reads this blog. She knows me more intimately than anyone on the internet and she was the first invite.
I'm in the ski resort Whistler right now which is just a couple hours north of Vancouver. Tonight I'm here to do some calculations for a kitchen reno I'm doing for my mother and step dad. That and having Ferdinand and Enzo away from Vancouver on Halloween is a very good thing. Enzo is scarred shitless of all the fire crackers and Ferdinand goes ape shit every time the door get knocked on.
Their place is such an amazing mountain retreat. My step dad is fairly wealthy and this place is shows it. Currently I'm sitting on one of the couches in the main area of the big room. A grand room it is too, with 18' ceilings at their tallest point, exposed log beams, beautiful granite real wood burning fireplace, stunning fir floors, and a soon to be spectacular ktichen!! hehe The house is situated across the valley from the two ski hills which can be seen perfectly through the floor to ceiling windows. Oh how I'd love to be curled up in from of the fire with R. right now. Perhaps a more romantic setting could not be wished for.
This is shot of a dinner party we had up here about 2 years ago. I think it's about a three second exposure.
I'll have to ask for forgiveness from any readers who may be getting sick of the R. comments. This woman is so on my mind right now. Much of what goes through my head has her right there with it. I feel so fucking gushy. I hope I'm able to keep a good perspective on this. She has my head and heart like I can't remember. Why? Is she that amazing? She has to be, cause I don't think I'm so naive to fall for any bullshit. You see, I can read people very well, something which has been a point of pride for many years. I just hope I get to be with her soon. I do not want to wait till after Christmas, that just will not do. We think she'll be coming out west next, but if she can't get here, R. may have a knock on her door from a Canadian boy before too long.
One thing I didn't yet write about R. is one of the things I love about her. She's not attracted to rolex boys, guys who flaunt money if you will. Her and I have had our share of time spent with people who seem to be tainted by wealth. Of course not every one with money has this shortcoming, but many do. What did it for me was when we both agreed about the point that most of the time, the happiest people of the world are the poorest people. Now needless to say I don't strive for poverty. Far from it. But I don't strive for wealth. I strive for a fulfilling life of love, and happiness. My yard stick for measuring this is perhaps akin to the road less traveled, but it's me. I want to live comfortably into my later years with a loving wife and children and great friends. I've love to live in a peaceful community. I'd love to lead a fulfilling career (which i believe I am in) and when the time is right mentor those who'd like a hand up. This is the legacy I want to leave, a humble one perhaps, but one with character and meaning.
I've just lit this fire and now I REALLY wish she was here.
Joe, I am so glad I read this. It's so odd. I've fallen head over heels in love, really for the first time, recently and I'm gushingly happy too and was going to blog about it when I got your invite. How funny and wonderful that you're experiencing the same thing, since as you know, you and I have both struggled to meet people who are capable of seeing the "real" us and allowing us to see them. I am truly happy for you. Although we've never met yet, I've considered you a friend since we first began chatting online, and I hope one day that you and R and Sean and I can sit down over a few drinks one day and have a great laugh. Congratulations on your good fortune--she's a lucky woman, and it sounds like you're a lucky man.
"mentor those who'd like a hand up."
Very noble! You rock!
You don't speack of the mystery woman too much! This is your blog.. and this is where you should do it! HAHA!
Someone googles the hell outta your blog! Ger damn man! Ain't it fun to have a stalker on the net.. Not so! Even if you don't know them personally.. it just feels like a huge invasion of your privacy.. with mine before i made it private.. I know someone was out there gettign a thrill reading my blog thinking I didn't know it and it made me sick to think every time I was upset and wrote about it they were getting some sick pleasure outta it! I am the one laughing now!
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